Where to buy Console Adapters and Cables
Jan 22, 2008, 09:21 am)
Back when I was starting these pages, I began working at Synopsys, and
we would buy Ethernet cables with serial number labels on each end. The
cables were also color-coded to the networks, and for serial consoles.
The serial number encoded the color, length wiring diagram, and a
unique serial number. I bought them from Americable, which later merged
to become APA Cables and
Networks (apacn.com).
You can see some pictures of my handiwork in chapter 6 of the book "The
Practice of System and Network Administration", by Thomas A.
Limoncelli, Christina J. Hogan, and Strata R. Chalup, published by
Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-321-49266-8.
I worked with Steve Vacik, to develop the schematics for various
adapters for a variety of console servers. This was a benefit for many
large data centers. I still recommend APACN (Steve is still there) for
folks who can buy in larger quantities.
Finding a source for cables and adapters for smaller quantities, who
will accept credit cards or PayPal for transactions, has been MUCH more
difficult. Some companies will say they are selling a Cisco or Cyclades
adapter, but they are unwilling to confirm the wiring inside, so I
cannot be sure, and so I cannot recommend any (so far). As a result,
I've been putting more adapter schematics on the website, so that you
can make the few that you might need. But if you have more than 25
adapters to make, I still encourage you to find a good vendor, and have
them make them, and label them. You'll thank me later.
If you find any errors on these pages, have comments for me,
or if
you have additional information that you feel that I could include,
please send email to consoles at conserver.com.
Are you
curious why I do keep up these pages?
I've also started a ConsoleTeam
blog, as a place to put ideas for which I'm not ready to
create a dedicated page.
Digi sells most their adapters through CDW, in packs of 8. Use
Digi part numbers (when given) to search for the 8-pack items on the
CDW pages.
Clearfield Communications
(formerly APA Cables and Networks, pre-formerly Americable)
f) 763.475.8457
5480 Nathan Lane
Plymouth, MN USA 55442
contact: Steve Vacik
If you need to buy in large quantites, Clearfield Communications can
provide any of these
adapters, and any of the cables in any lengths you want, even if there
isn't an equivalent APACN part number listed on my pages. They can also
pre-lable the cables with unique serial numbers, which has been
especially helpful for me.
Steve Vacik also created some "Adapter Kits", which included one of a
variety of adapters, and some cables, as a way to equip field
technicians with a ready set of adapters for a particular vendor. These
kits are detailed below.
Annex Kit for
Xylogics and Bay Networks microAnnex
- one each; AFDCE91, AFDCE92, AFDCE93, AFDTE91, AMDCE91,
- one each, cables; Annex to Cisco Console, Annex to US
- one each, cables; Annex to DEC MMJ, CAT-5 Ethernet
Cisco Kit for
CiscoSystems, Lantronics, Logical Solutions, and many Juniper Networks
- one each; CFDCE91, CFDCE92, CMDCE91, CMDCE92
- one each; CFDTE91, CFDTE92, CMDTE91, CMDTE92
- one each, cables; Cisco Console to Kentrox, Cisco Console
to US Robotics
- one each, cables; Cisco Console to DEC MMJ
- one each, cables; CAT-5 Ethernet, USOC Rolled
IOLAN Kit for the
Chase Research (now Perle) IOLAN RackPLUS
- one each; IFDCE91, IFDTE91, IMDCE91, IMDTE91
- one each, cables; Annex to Cisco Console, Annex to US
- one each, cables; Annex to DEC MMJ, CAT-5 Ethernet
Xyplex Kit
for the Xyplex 1600/1800, iTouch In-Reach line, and MRV
- one each; XFDCE91, XFDCE92, XFDTE91, XFDTE91
- one each; XMDCE91, XMDCE92, XMDTE91, XMDTE91
- one each, cables; Xylpex to Cisco Console, Xyplex to US
- one each, cables; Xyplex to DEC MMJ, Xyplex to Sun-T3
- one each, cables; CAT-5 Ethernet, USOC Rolled
The Cyclades part ID convention is that the prefix ADB means an
adapter (an RJ45 female and the appropriate DB or DE connector), while
CAB means an RJ45 male connector on a roughly 3YY' "silver
satin"-type cable to the appropriate DB or DE connector. The
numeric part of the number indicates the wiring, and the DB or DE
connector type. (So, a CAB0036 and an ADB0036 would have the same
schematic, if you use a straight-through Ethernet cable on the
ADB0036.) They seem to use "Cross" when they are making the DB/DE
connector a DCE interface, and "Straight" means the DB/DE connector
will look like a DTE interface. The word "converter" means an adapter.
Not all adapters have a cable equivalent from Avocent. There are the
parts that I've been able to order in the past. I'm not sure if Avocent
may be adding or subtracting from this list.
Adapters |
Cables |
Cyclades description |
Output signals when connected to an ACS |
ADB0017 |
CAB0017 |
RJ45 to DB25F Cross Cable/Converter |
DB25F outputs on pins 3, 5, 6, 8 |
CAB0018 |
Cat-5 Ethernet cable, 7' |
ADB0025 |
CAB0025 |
RJ45 to DB25 M Straight Cable/Converter |
DB25M outputs on pins 3, 5, 6, 8 |
ADB0036 |
CAB0036 |
RJ45 to DE9F Cross Cable/Converter |
DE9F outputs on pins 1, 2, 6, 8 |
ADB0037 |
RJ45 to DE9M Cross Converter |
DE9M outputs on pins 1, 2, 6, 8 |
ADB0039 |
RJ45M to RJ45F Sun/Cisco Cross Converter |
CAB0045 |
RJ45M to RJ45M Sun/Cisco Cross Cable |
CAB0046 |
RJ45M to RJ45M Cyclades Cross Cable |
(Null-modem cable between Cyclades units) |
ADB0200 |
RJ45 to DE9F Straight converter |
DE9F outputs on pins 3, 4, 7 |
The schematics for the adapters listed here (and many others) can be found on my Cyclades Console Connection Guide.
NOTICE: Most of the pages,
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I'll let you know if I move the page(s) during updates.)
Please send me email if you wish to republish any material,
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Made using Nvu
Copyright 1996-2008,
David K. Z.
Harris, N6UOW

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