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APA Cables & Networks
IOLAN Rack+ Adapter Kit
(updated: Nov 07, 2005, 05:00 pm)

This page is not maintained by APA Cables and Networks. It is provided for the benefit of systems and network administrators.

When connected to an IOLAN Rack+ console server port:

  • DB-25 DTE connectors have signal asserted (TD output from RJ-45) at DB-25 pin 2.
  • DE-9 DTE connectors have signal asserted (TD output from RJ-45) at DE-9 pin 3.

A DTE adapter, connected to an IOLAN port with an Ethernet cable appears to be a DTE device.

The entire IOLAN Kit (part number: 24490-IOLAN-Kit) includes one each of everything shown here. The individual APACN part numbers for each part of the kit are shown in red below.

IOLAN Rack+ Console Adapters
(One of each adapter. Default case color is green.)

  • IFDCE - 24490-30 - male DB-25, signal on pin 3
  • IFDTE - 24490-27 - male DB-25, signal on pin 2
  • IMDCE - 24490-31 - female DB-25, signal on pin 3
  • IMDTE - 24490-28 - female DB-25, signal on pin 2

  • IFDCE91 - 24490-32 - male DE-9, signal on pin 2
  • IFDTE91 - 24490-33 - male DE-9, signal on pin 3
  • IMDCE91 - 24490-29 - female DE-9, signal on pin 2
  • IMDTE91 - 24490-34 - female DE-9, signal on pin 3

Refer to the IOLAN Rack+ hosts-to-adapter page to determine which adapters to use when connecting the Rack+ to various devices. For more information about the adapters and cables, refer to the IOLAN Console Connection Guide.

In general, if your Chase Research IOLAN Rack+ uses an AC power cord, it will send Serial Break when they are powered off. (The 4- and 8-port units that use a DC Power Pack do not have this problem.) After Perle Systems bought the product line, they ensured that their CS9000 products did not send Serial BREAK. They still sell the IOLAN line. If you are concerned about Serial BREAK at your site, you may want to refer to our Serial BREAK hardware testing to find out which hardware devices do or do not send Serial BREAK at inappropriate times.

IOLAN Rack+ Console Cables

  • IOLAN-end RJ-45 has a black boot
  • non-IOLAN-end RJ-45 has an orange boot
  • The MMJ doesn't get a boot.

IOLAN to Cisco Console (RJ45-to-RJ45) - 24490-48

IOLAN to U.S. Robotics (RJ45-to-RJ45) - 24490-49

IOLAN to DEC console (RJ45-to-MMJ) - 24490-50

Ethernet Cable, 10' long (RJ45-to-RJ45, white cable with black boots.) - 24490-21

This is the end of the components included in the IOLAN Kit.

The information below is provided for information only.

Adapter Shell Color

You can purchase the any of the adapter shown above from APA Cables ∓ Networks (, by asking for the part number (shown in red), above. Try contacting Steve Vacik (1-800-422-2537) for a price quote or information. If you want to specify a different case color than the default, us the APACN part number, followed by an optional shell color suffix. The default color for IOLAN-wired adapters is green, unless you specify otherwise.

So, the part number IFDTE91-RD would be the DE-9 female DTE adapter, with a red plastic shell.

APA Cables & Networks also sells adapters and adapter kits for other RJ-45 formats, including the Cisco, Annex/Bay/Nortel, and Xyplex/iTouch/MRV terminal server families. APA Cables & Networks uses different default colors for each wiring schema, to make it easier to visually identify the different RJ-45 wiring formats.

For basic RS-232 troubleshooting info, view my Minor Scroll of Console Knowledge

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