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Re: conserver ?

Don Clark dclarkjr@wowway.com
Wed, 3 Jun 2009 00:25:00 GMT

Thanks Brian & Greg. I went with the cygwin approach. I grabbed the
redhat version, it seemed to come with openssl and the make commands as
the base. 

On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 20:15 -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> At Tue, 2 Jun 2009 13:34:20 -0700, Bryan Stansell <bryan@conserver.com> wrote:
> Subject: Re: conserver ?
> > 
> > There isn't direct support for that, but I have seen folks use a script
> > (or actual compiled program) as a shell for a user, that then fires the
> > console client with the appropriate argument (to get to a specific
> > port).  That way, when you authenticate with a particular user, it
> > automatically runs 'console <foo>' and when you exit, you're logged out.
> > I suppose if you name the account the same as the console, you could use
> > the username as the argument.  There's a 'limited' option in the
> > conserver.cf to list users that aren't allowed specific actions, so they
> > can't switch to other consoles, invoke local commands, etc (just for
> > this purpose).
> > 
> > As for Windows, the current solution is to install cygwin and compile
> > conserver for that...it works fine.  You just have a little extra
> > overhead of the cygwin environment to deal with.
> Personally I would suggest the former, either with or without
> configuring sshd and/or a login script to run only the "console" client
> program.
> While the ability to run "console" clients on remote systems is fun and
> flexible, the security issues can very rapidly get out of control even
> with careful use of SSL.  Central control right on the conserver host
> itself via SSH logins is the easiest to manage, and probably also the
> easiest to use too, especially if you already have an SSH client on the
> workstations you want to connect to consoles from.