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Re: multiple master ports

John Hascall john@iastate.edu
Thu, 26 Apr 2007 21:25:12 -0700 (PDT)

> On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 10:53:26AM -0500, John Hascall wrote:
> > but I'm not seeing where you can say what port
> > that the conserver on 'some.other.machine' is
> > listening on.  Does this mean that they all
> > need to be on the same port?
> you are correct...they all need to be talking on the same port.
> it's just not something that comes up very often (if at all?  at least,
> i don't remember anyone asking for the capability).  if you keep the two
> seperate, it's certainly easy to have a console.cf/.consolerc file that
> sets the port number appropriately, based on which master you talk to.
> but the user still needs to know the proper incantation to talk to
> either the old or new server (and when to).  or rename the console
> command to console-old and let them talk to the old server that way.
> not ideal at all, but perhaps a good motivation for folks to make the
> move quicker?  (only semi-serious there)

  Well, it's really, really icky, but I found a perversion
  of the syntax that actually looks like it might work:

    console dummy { type exec; master -:1782@test.its.iastate.edu; }

  (Not that I'm recommending anyone depend on this)

  If I got ambitious and coded up a proper way to do this, say:

    console dummy { type exec; master test.its.iastate.edu; port 1782; }

  Would you be interested in it?

  As an aside, it looks to me like this would also provide a backdoor-way
  to get groups back because I think you could actually run multiple
  conservers on a single host, N of them each managing a "group" and the
  N+1th of them as the master with a config file of nothing but forwards
  to the consoles managed on the other N.
