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Access to conserver machine's own console?
Jim Ockers Jim.Ockers@pason.com
Mon, 25 Sep 2006 16:50:16 -0700 (PDT)
I was wondering if it's possible to use conserver to get access to the console of the machine which is itself running conserver? And if so, how do you do it? I don't see this mentioned in any documentation or FAQ - sorry if it's there & I missed it.
Consider a linux system with a single serial port which is defined as the kernel's serial console. Some software starts an interactive application during start-up, which displays and accepts input on the serial console. I would like to enable network access to the serial console so that it's possible to interact with this application over the network.
I was hoping to run conserver to enable network access to localhost's serial tty which is running a getty:
[root@jimockers-rh72-1 conserver.cf]# grep ttyS1 /etc/inittab
s1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty 9600 ttyS1 vt100
[root@jimockers-rh72-1 conserver.cf]# cat /etc/console/conserver.cf
console simple { master localhost; type exec; rw *; }
access * {
console tty {
master localhost;
type device;
device /dev/ttyS1;
baud 9600;
parity none;
rw *;
Of course this does not work because conserver gets an I/O error (as does agetty) when trying to wrestle for control of the port.
What can I do to enable remote network access to the conserver's serial console?
P.S. The motherboard has only one serial port and we can't add more hardware. Otherwise I would install a null-modem jumper between the two serial ports and use conserver's access to one to log into the other. Oh well.
PS Sorry about mime/html email - I'm unable to turn it off just now.