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nathan r. hruby nhruby@uga.edu
Tue, 11 Oct 2005 06:50:31 -0700 (PDT)
Hey folks,
So I've brought conserver to my next company - or at least I'm trying to. ;)
I'm having a problem where the ssh connection from conserver to the cyclades times out, and the ssh client sees it happen, and thus conserver sees it happen - but the cyclade never sees this happen, and thus the sock_sshd for that port lives on and the cyclade can never connect.
I know this is more of a cyclades question and less of a conserver question - but I figure this is probably one of the best places to ask if anyone's run into this.
FWIW, cyclades has a mailing list for users at cyusers@cyclades.com. It's a very low traffic list and their support folks and lower middle management do monitor the list and take problem reports seriously. This list is not easy to find on their website, which I think is part of the reason it's low traffic :)
-n -- ------------------------------------------- nathan hruby <nhruby@uga.edu> uga enterprise information technology services production systems support -------------------------------------------