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RE: Proper Break entry for Ctrl-Alt-Del

Bill Sommerfeld sommerfeld@sun.com
Tue, 22 Mar 2005 09:01:29 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 2005-03-22 at 11:40, Zonker Harris wrote:
>   Finally, just a reminder about the PC Weasel card, for
> managing PCs at that kind of level *without* special BIOS.
> (http://www.realweasel.com/) While pricey, it lets you
> use a serial console to fuss with BIOS settings, logically
> 'press the reset button', and will also capture the screen
> output of most 'smart' controllers. If you haven't looked
> into these cards, you should at least check out the website,
> and try the demo. (I have no affiliation, but I like the
> implementation! :-)

I'm a happy (individual) customer of the original ISA PC-Weasel.

Going forward, it looks like Intel is pushing the use of IPMI to do this
sort of thing. (including "Serial over LAN").  See

disclaimer: I haven't reviewed the IPMI specs in detail and in
particular I have not personally reviewed its security model..

			(speaking for myself alone)

						- Bill