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Re: Conserver Problems: Slow Start & SSL Errors

Bryan Stansell bryan@conserver.com
Tue, 30 Aug 2005 14:58:13 -0700 (PDT)

well, i've been trying to reproduce the problem.  i'm failing to find a
logfile combo that'll trigger the error.  would you be willing to send
me a copy of your logfile (or whatever portion is necessary) so i can
reproduce it on my system and track down the bug?



On Tue, Aug 30, 2005 at 08:20:26AM -0600, Ryan Kirkpatrick wrote:
> *) If the end of the log file contains only log events (i.e. '^[-- .*]'
> lines) of MARK and console up/down messages (e.g. there has been no input
> from the serial port in a long time), then when I connect w/replay I am
> disconnected after the replay and conserver crashes.
> Where, the end of the file is the last 10-20 lines. Therefore, it looks
> like the replay log parsing algorthim is choking on lines of only MARK and
> console up/down messages at the end of log files. Hopefully this helps you
> get closer to solving, or at least duplicating this problem.
> Let me know if there is anyway else I can help in solving this problem.
> Thanks. TTYL.