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Fwd: Why not down load CLIM, it does all of what you are doing and more

Jim Corrigan corr0823@yahoo.com
Fri, 3 May 2002 06:36:58 -0700 (PDT)

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Pardon the intrusion, if it is viewed as such.

We have offered conserver users access to CLIM at no charge
in exchange for comments on how to make CLIM better.

CLIM allows you from multiple hosts to access multiple systems
by the other hosts using the primary as a provider. We have autofailover
built into the product as well. So two CLIM servers or actually upto three
can handle failover in unison, i.e., primary fails, secondary
takes over, secondary fails, tertiary takes over, primary comes back
and tertiary gives control back to primary. Further by making
all systems providers to otehr, one system maintains control
of the consoles while the others can access the consoles.

we monitor the terminal server and port on server as well

We have a highly distributed product that lets users gain access
via command line or gui and soon browser. We have soft consoles
that support ssh2 and clim supports and maintains links to
ssh2 terminal servers most notably cyclades.

We support logging on tty device attached lines as well.

we support all types of UNIX systems, windows NT and win2k as
well OpenVMS. 

1. Need System ID for License: (see instructions below)

2. Need Hostname:

3. Need Interface Name:

Instructions to get System ID:

? NT use: ipconfig -all OR ipconfig /all , send ouptut
? Tru64/ Digital UNIX use: netstat -i send MAC address (will need to remove
  DECnet or untar our files and run kinet/bin/setia)
? AIX use: uname -m output
? Solaris use: hostid output
? HPUX use: /etc/lanscan send Output
? OVMS use: mcr lancp sho config output
? NT use: ipconfig /all output
? IRIX use: sysinfo -s output
? Linux use: ifconfig  output


CLIM is a commercial product that provides extensive 
management facilities including

console management 

   easy to install and deploy 

   dynamically add consoles w/o having to cycle Service daemons

   mulitple read/write access
   exclusive access that makes all read/write access readonly,
   connect to all consoles with a single window ( gang connect )
   mulitple access methods that are all logged to unique log
   files including  telnet and ssh sessions ( 2nd QTR 2002 )
   and operator console ( need to load KOP Service on remote system )
   auto-archiving of unique console logs
   support for ssh v2 and access to terminal servers that have ssh v2
   deployed, i.e., cyclades, lantronix and cisco ( v1 - version 1
   support by 2nd QTR 2002)
   vnc access to windows from UNIX using vnctight and UNIX Window
   manager and connection via Browser using port 5801 and above.
   CPU Efficient console log scanning
   auto configures terminal server ports and locks them down.
   Supports three power managers that have serial lines including
   APC and Server Technology
   Console inputs and outputs can be scan for up to five patterns 
   as they occur as well as boot prompts are reported 
   imeediately when found
Terminal/Access Server Management

   Monitors, Maintains and Manages Terminal/Access Servers'
   configuration of their serial ports.
   Monitors, Maintains and Manages Terminal/Access Servers'
   configuration of console ports controlled by CLIM. This
   capability means that if the terminal server port goes
   unavailable then you willknow prior to accessing the
Log File Monitoring

   a highly CPU efficient, beats Perle Scripts scanning, and 
   scan of console logs. Pattern recognition is 
   specified by regular expressions. 
   If you distribute CLIM's NodeMonitor Services to each 
   system under Console Management any log file on
   that system can be monitored including UNIX
   messages file or any NT event file or OpenVMS
   Operator Log file.
   Any log files patterns found are forwarded to our
   Event manager or as an snmp trap or to BMC Software
   Tivoli or OpenView event managers. As many
   lines before and after a found pattern can be
   specified by the user to be forwarded with
   the found pattern.
   The log file contents can be filtered as it is viewed
   by patterns or time intervals. The filtered log file can
   be printed or emailed or displayed via web.
Event Manager

   Pattern finds, System Resource and Application
   Availability Monitoring or realtime high priority
   console scans are received by the Event Manager.
   The events found can be reported as they
   are found or an event can be generated after
   a number of events come in within a specified
   period of time.
   Actions assoicated with an event can be generated
   depending on the time of day. UP to 5 times of
   days can be specified
   Actions can be limited to occur a specified number of times
   with a given duration of time, e.g. one action
   per 1 hour or 30 minutes.

System Resource, Application Availability Monitoring
and Operations Console

   Those systems connected to CLIM via an access server
   can easily and quickly deploy system resource and application
   NODEMONITOR Services include Log File Manager,
   Event Manager, KIOperations ( KOP ) Services and our
   directory server KiDS.
   CPU, Memory, Disk and Page/Swap file are monitored. 
   Resource utilization that exceeds the thresholds set automatically 
   or specified by the user has an event generated.
   If a monitored application executable ( multiple instances
   are found of same process name ) exits user can stipulate
   restart script. An event is generated and a popup is sent to
   any CLIM Ki Works. OpenVMS applications PID is reported in
   A script is run to set up a CLIM UNIX server as a
   Distribuiton Server. The Distribution Server is
   populated from our ftp site with the required binaries.
   The systems connected to and under control of CLIM will be
   updated with the NODEMONITOR Services via another script.
   From CLIM the user will be able to gain access 
   to a UNIX X server via X display or
   WebBrowser port 5801. The browser must support Java.
   NODEMONITOR Services will need to be installed on
   the UNIX system.
   Access to NT and Win2k WinVNC servers will also be allowed 
   via X and broswer and will be more efficent 
   under tightvnc binaries.

AutoFailover to upto Three Redundant Systems

   A CLIM BFD Service named for the buford ( Backup failover daemon )
   allows for upto two other CLIM Servers to be specified as backup 
   systems. In the USA South buford is a good ole boy who is
   someone you can count on.
   If the primary system exits the first backup system takes
   over, if the first backup system fails the second backup 
   system takes over.The BFD Services coordinate the failover
   sequeunce between three CLIM servers.
   If at any time the first backup or primary system come back
   online the first or second backup system will relinquish
   control to the primary. 
   Detected failures include Service Daemon failure, 
   network failure, power failure or system crash.
   Failover can also be initiated via
   the command line using bfdcp command fail init and
   terminated via the fail term commands.
   Setup is as simple as bfdcp add backup node <name of climserver>
   All redundancy is automatically setup. The event, log file
   and console databases are propagated. If a chenge occurs in any 
   of the primary system's Services the backup systems are automatically
   updated as well.

Jim Corrigan

voice:     +919 481 2111 x 22
fax:       +919 468 5797
mobile:    +919 349-8767

URL:       http://www.KiNETWORKS.com
email:     Jim.Corrigan@KiNETWORKS.com


102 New Edition Court
Cary, NC 27511


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Jim Corrigan

voice:     +919 481 2111 x 22
fax:       +919 468 5797
mobile:    +919 349-8767

URL:       http://www.KiNETWORKS.com
email:     Jim.Corrigan@KiNETWORKS.com


102 New Edition Court
Cary, NC 27511


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