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Matott, Scott Scott.Matott@htc.com
Thu, 26 Apr 2001 15:57:26 -0700 (PDT)
In message <988323430.3ae89e667d683@www.stansell.org> you write: >Well, this is kinda interesting...there are spaces between the '@' and the IP >address. My guess is that there's something to that. Eeeek! I just had a >peek at the code. Do you have a space between the '!' and the hostname/IP >address in the .cf file? If so, remove the extra spaces and see if that works > Unbelieveable!!!! There was a space, I got rid of it and it worked!!! Wow! Oh this is great!! THis is the 'right' way to be doing it anyhow!Plus all those telnet sessions, plus a wrapper script (which I was hiding from you all, since the telnet client ran as root needed a wrapper script to give it restircted shell and no path (otheriwse malicious users could get root shell!) PLus I had actually modified the source so that if you told it to send a break it would send the escape sequence for the telnet client plus the phrase "send brk\n" Oh that's so nice!! Can't believe I did all that because of a syntax error!! >(I'm assuming ALL consoles are forced down, not just the two you mentioned). >And, thrown in a '-v' flag to conserver....that will show us what it's doing >with the hostname/IP address when reading the configuration file (is it >stripping extra spaces, which I think it isn't, or is it adding spaces, etc). > The output I get with the space is: conserver: 0: conanx2-port39 is network on logged to /unique/data/logs/console/conanx2-port39.log conserver: 0: conanx7-port2 is network on logged to /unique/data/logs/console/conanx7-port2.log conserver: 0: conanx1-port11 is network on logged to /unique/data/logs/console/conanx1-port11.log conserver: group 0 on port 32866 conserver: access type 't' for "console" conserver: access type 't' for "localhost" conserver: connect: conanx2-port39 (23@ Connection refused: forcing down conserver: connect: conanx7-port2 (23@ Connection refused: forcing down conserver: connect: conanx1-port11 (23@ Connection refused: forcing down Hope that helps, and thank you all for you help! Who says you can't get good support on freeware?? Thanks, Scott Matott sXe